Place North Utsunomiya in Tochigi prefecture.
408CLUB has a Parking, Toilet and Restroom with heater.
IN Restroom,able to get a lunch and free Coffee.
And very important information.
This place stock all 40cm over size trout.
We will have a big game.
I visited here last time two weeks ago.
Today stock a pond with ITOU
ITOU is very big fish which size 80cm over.
and I try to get to it.
Fishing start.
Pond surface temperature 8 deg.
Last time visited here,morning condition was good.
But i thought today's bad.
Too cool water temperature?
In the morning anybody rod no bend..
Only few guys got fish.
They was standing at around deep area.
I was standing at shallow area.
I guess coming to shallow area fish has motivation.
But today was not.
Then in the morning time i got no catch fish.
I had lunch at resthouse instant noodle.
Afternoon start.
Start at cape.
Pond surface temperature rising 12 deg.
So,Hard morning turn to good afternoon.
1st Fish got with original color crank.
Good one.
2nd Fish got with Orange camouflage spoon.
Good fighter.
3rd Fish got with PINK minnow.
I colored full fluorescence pink for ITOU.
ITOU loves this color.
I thought ITOU comming,but too liter than ITOU.
Rising Rock Fish.
When after 3rd fish,i change standing position.
Cape to Deep Area.
I want to try to evening time at deep area last time i thought.
It was correct judgment.
4th Fish got with tornado.
Beautiful one.
5th,6th same with tornado.
After sunset.
Going to dark.
Near anglar got a fish.
He told that used fluorescence lure.
Then I choice fluorescence crank only one i have.
7th Fish got when 2nd Casting at break.
and then,
I choice double swisher.
I knew that lure has good result at night time.
But didn't work yet at 408CLUB.
But,and today was working.
Last 8th fish with this.
So,Today was a good day.
408CLUB is GOOD Place.
I recommend Fishing area 408CLUB to you.
Next time I want to try to get ITOU again.
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